About Us

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Come on In!





2959 N Swan Rd #161
Tucson, AZ 85712

The Best Coffee-shop

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The doors at Savaya Coffee Market were officially opened April 7, 2009. The shop, located in the middle of the William’s Center Shopping Plaza, was outfitted with equipment though not aesthetically complete on the day of opening. None the less, teacher and entrepreneur, Burc Maruflu, greeted firsttime customers with a smile.

In the following months, Savaya Coffee Market continued to develop its look and personality: The shop came to life with notable murals painted by local artist Jos Villabrille, a long mesquite-wood bar was installed and a six panel chalk board was mounted over the bar. A coffee hobbyist for years, Burc has pursued quality coffee with a passion for the excellent cup. His enthusiasm and love of coffee is exuded through Savaya Coffee Market. Over the past years, Savaya has become a gathering place for people with the common interest of drinking great coffee. What could be better than fantastic coffee in the company of friends?